The Huskita is a hybrid breed which arises from a cross between a Siberian Husky and an Akita. Huskies will inherit traits from both parents but the level of which they will inherit traits from each of the parents is somewhat random. Some Huskitas have more Akita characteristics while others may have more Siberian husky characteristics. For this reason, both the Akita and the Siberian Husky are recommended to be studied before adopting a Huskita so that you can recognize the behavioral traits they may pick up from each of the breeds.
The Siberian Husky and the Akita Inu are both versatile breeds. Both breeds are identically sized, this means the size is pretty consistent compared with other breeds where there is a notable difference in size between the two parents. For this reason a crossbreed of Akita Husky would be a very strong and large breed of dogs.
Huskitas will tend to be a mix of white, cream, tan and black, though it is not unheard of for them to be a single solid color.

Huskita Key Information
Height: 22 to 25 inches
Weight: 50 to 75 pounds
Life span: 10 to 13 years
Breed family: Mixed Breed Dogs
Exercise requirements: High
Good with children: No
Also known as: Siberian Akita
The Huskita is a mixed dog breed that may have naturally existed long ago but in the late 1990s, the North American breeders started deliberately combining Akitas with the Siberian Husky.
The Siberian Husky is known for its ability to stand cold environments and can be found working hard, pulling sleds and other strenuous activities. This is where Huskitas get their requirement for high levels of physical activity from.
Akitas, who originate from the Odate region of Japan, were Japan’s choice of dog to protect their royalty, serving as a spiritual symbol of happiness, health, longevity and protection. In 1931 the Huskita breed was recognized as one of the Japan’s national treasures, which you can imagine is quite an honorable position for them to hold.
As with a lot of breeds of dogs, Huskitas have been bred to achieve a dog with a certain physical and emotional goal in mind. In the case of the Huskita breeders have focused on getting a strong and healthy dog that would serve as a great companion dog for people.
Due to the alert nature of Huskitas they have made a great choice to work as guard dogs and supporting police work.
You might imagine that the character of Huskita is similar to the character of Akita or the Siberian Husky. But Huskita can inherit distinct characteristics from both of it’s parents, it is hard to predict what behavioral behaviors the dog will show. This is why complete research on both parent breeds is necessary before adopting a Huskita.
Generally you will find that Huskitas are protective and loyal dogs. They make a great choice for companion dogs that will be with you for a long time.
While you won’t know for sure what behavioral characteristics the Huskita will exhibit. We would not recommend Huskita for the first-time pet owners because they may require an owner who shows good leadership qualities. If the Huskita doesn’t feel that you’re showing adequate leadership qualities then the dog will assume itself in that position, which can make him very stubborn and intimidating.
The Huskita have abundant strength and does not go with the lazy lifestyle. They are usually high-energy dogs, if not trained properly, they can develop destructive behaviors such as digging holes, fleeing, barking, etc. Teaching a Huskita can be challenging for owners who are unfamiliar with dog breeds. If you are a new owner, and intend to adopt an Akita Husky mix, enrolling in dog training courses would be helpful.
Interaction with Children
Huskitas can treat family children like their own puppies, being highly protective of them. However, Huskitas can snap when they are handled improperly. It is important to teach children to be respectful and gentle with dogs, and when they’re playing under adult supervision. Huskitas do better in households with older children who know how to behave with dogs.
Interaction with other pets
As Huskitas can get their temperament from either their Siberian Huskie or Akita side, exactly how they will respond to other pets can be difficult to guage in advance. Siberian Huskies are pack animals and are used to being in groups, however Akitas are much better suited to being the only dog in the house.
It is worth being cautious when introducing new pets to the household. By introducing the dog to other animals earlier through socializing you are more likely to be able to get a dog that is accepting of other animals.
For Huskitas, three to four cups of high quality dog food would be enough. Ensure all the essential nutrients are present in commercial foods. Ideally you should look to spread this out into three equally sized meals throughout the day.
Obviously the actual amount of food you need to give your dog will vary depending on their size, age and metabolism. Try to avoid over feeding your Huskita as they will put weight on quickly if they don’t burn off what they eat.
To make your Huskitas stay healthy, they should be regularly taken to routine veterinary checks which helps to identify any health problems in the initial stage. Your veterinarian will help you with the best schedule that will keep your pet safe.
Huskies tend to gain weight and show high levels of energy. A 90-minute walk a day is a great thing for your doggie. They flourish outside but still stay inside.
Check their ears for fleas and debris regularly, and wash them as your vet’s advice. Trim the nails of your dog only when they become too long, usually once or twice a month. As a general rule if you can hear your dogs nails on the floor then they will likely need a trim.
Maintaining the oral health of Huskitas is one of the biggest concerns. As many puppies are susceptible to dental problems, you can brush their teeth every day. Your Vet will demonstrate how to clean your pet’s teeth properly.
Huskitas are known to shed a considerable amount, which can make them unsuited for people who suffer from allergies.
The amount of shedding should be expected to be higher in cooler climates with Huskitas shedding 2-3 times a year. You can keep this managed through regular brushing and vacuuming, this will help to keep the hair out of furniture and clothes.
Due to the amount Huskitas shed one thing we’ve seen owners do is to get robot vacuum cleaners to keep on top of the hair throughout the home. You will still need to do a regular vacuum but it does help to keep it under control.
You should only bathe your Huskita when required. This helps to avoid removing the natural oils from their coat. Regularly brushing their coat will not only help to keep it from getting knotted and from getting everywhere, but it will also help to spread the same natural oils evenly, keeping their coat looking healthy.
You will need to ensure to Huskitas need their ears checking regularly to ensure there isn’t a large build-up of wax.
As both parental breeds are highly active dogs, the Huskita can be expected to demand a high exercise level. Simple walking or fast jogging won’t be enough. Such puppies will do well in an active home than a sedentary lifestyle that will lead the puppy to grow their own burning energy strategies, such as digging, barking, chewing your furniture.
Another reason why it is important to ensure that you give your Huskita adequate exercise is that without that exercise they will very quickly put on weight.
Do various activities with the puppy to maintain his attention up. Skills of obedience are as important as they can help monitor the animal. Be sure it always depends on something, because that will discourage negative actions from growing.
It is worth socializing Huskita puppies as early as possible to get them used to different people as well as sights/sounds that they may have to deal with. This helps to ensure that they become well rounded dogs as they develop.
One recommendation when you’re wanting to do training with your Huskita, take them for exercise before hand. This will help them be less restless during the training and will help them be more focused.
They can stay in an apartment with you, the only thing you need to remember is to provide them with plenty of outdoor exercises.
They do best when there is a yard for them to play in.
Dog Houses/Kennels
While Huskitas love being outside they should live indoors with the family.
Leaving them home alone
Not good at being left alone for long periods of time. Huskitas need regular exercise and mental stimulation. If they’re left alone and start to get bored they will start to apply their minds to anything that takes their fancy, for example howling or chewing on furniture.
Huskitas are a generally healthy breed but inherit certain predispositions from Siberian Huskies and Akitas. They will normally live for between 10 to 13 years but they can reach the grand old age of 15 if they are well looked after.
Hip dysplasia and epilepsy are the main disorders Huskitas will face. They can also face some blood diseases.
As with all dogs it is worth ensuring that you regularly take your Huskita to see the vet for a checkup to make sure they are healthy.
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